A solar eclipse-new moon brings chakras upgrades and a podcast chat!

In less than 2 days, the sun eclipses a micro new moon with earth. This closes an intense eclipse-equinox season with deep, core new creation energies. This is the way of our new elevated reality - an expanded conscious awareness of our ever evolving ascension into new worlds while simultaneously releasing past timelines/realities.

This is really important information for your personal soul ascension…

And there is a special bonus at the end….

(Spoiler Alert: it’s a link to a new podcast chat with Andrea Kennedy - Chakra Upgrades: What is Happening to You?)

The eclipse-equinox season opened with a lunar eclipse on the super full moon (9/17/24). It focused on the deepest misalignments and wounds of our energy systems. It forced to the surface, toxic generational patterns, ancient individual soul wounds, misaligned DNA/bloodlines, conception/womb/birth traumas, etc. All of these issues have influenced our cellular rhythms which direct our basic views of the world and our interactions with it. They are woven through the core infrastructure of our consciousness and energy systems. This is the stuff that we don’t even know is not ours because, we don’t have a conscious memory of being any different. We often say “We were born that way.” In this lifetime, that is true. But a soul level, it is not. Our soul was ‘born’ fully aligned with it’s truth and in sync with it’s natural rhythms.

Over the last 2 weeks, we have been shaken to our core and this stuff has become loose. This is why we have felt so unsteady and lost. Our very foundations have been disrupted. Thus, everything built on that foundation (i.e. all of this life ;)) has also been disrupted. Look for the patterns and common themes of seemingly unrelated chaos for the root causes.

At Equinox on 9/22, life slowed down and we started to catch our breath, allowing a new equilibrium to emerge through us. We began to find a new rhythm and cyclical flow that is more aligned with our higher self frequencies and not entangled with old, unhealthy patterns/wounds/etc. We are still figuring out what the new rhythm and equilibrium is; just as we will continue to discover bits of misalignments in areas of our lives and work to unwind them. It will take time. For the most part, we know what must be done and the process is in motion.

Now at the solar eclipse of a micro new moon on Wednesday 10/2, we shift our focus from clearing and releasing to creating new realities/timelines that align with a higher equilibrium and rhythmic flow. We are building new foundations (aka. root chakras) and upgrading our system’s equilibrium and rhythmic flow to a higher consciousness/frequency range. The new vibration resonates out to elevate our lives and the world around us - constructing advanced timelines and realities.

Yes, this is as big and life-altering as is sounds! I know you feel the shifts but may be struggling to figure out what is happening. Here’s the deal…The old ways of perceiving our energy fields and the old techniques/rituals of working with them are, well, old. We have out grown them - literally. We have ascended to a level of higher consciousness that operates in higher frequency ranges. Our energy systems (chakras and more) require upgrades to handle the flow of higher frequencies. Think of it like upgrading your computer to be able to run on more advanced, faster internet connections. This is more than just software updates. We now require new operating systems.

How exactly are our chakras and energy systems upgrading? So glad you asked because…

Andrea Kennedy invited me back to Beyond The Reiki Gateway Podcast to talk all about it! Plus, we chat about how the sun and moon cycles effect us and more! In perfect universal synchronicity, the episode was released last Wednesday.

Chakra Upgrades: What is Happening to You? Beyond the Reiki Gateway Season 5: Episode 4

BTRG write up: “Andrea reconnects with Tera McAmis, an esteemed quantum energy practitioner and teacher. The duo embarks on an enlightening exploration of the human energy system, unraveling complex concepts such as the evolving nature of chakras, the pivotal role of the pineal gland, and the profound essence of kundalini energy. Their discussion extends delving into how sun and moon cycles shape our energetic fields. Throughout the conversation, Tera imparts practical wisdom on navigating spiritual transformations, highlighting the critical importance of healing trauma and embracing the dynamic evolution of our energy systems. This episode promises to deepen listeners' understanding of their energetic selves and offer valuable tools for personal growth.”

Direct episode links: Beyond the Reiki Gateway, Spotify link, Apple Podcasts, YouTube

If you feel stuck in old timelines, check out Andrea and I’s chat last season Quantum Healing Through Past Life Timelines. It provides details of how past lives, generational and ancestral traumas/patterns are imprinted on our energy systems. Links are on my Community Engagement page.

Andrea is a powerful, beautiful light being who embraces her mission of assisting folks in awakening to their higher selves. Looking for an authentic, inclusive and uplifting spiritual community? Check out Mainstream Reiki. Called to explore elevated perspectives in the spiritual realm? Beyond the Reiki Gateway podcast provides exactly that!

How exciting to be here in this moment of ascension on earth! We are consciously evolving our own energy systems and masterfully crafting our realities! This is magic in it’s purest form!

May you enjoy this magical time with wonder and delight!


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